If you are not educated enough, you are not going to learn anything from me. I will write my opinions each month, but do not make the mistake of thinking that I will teach you anything. Teaching was never going to be one of my objectives. If you need more education and you know it, you are my kind of reader. One can never have enough education. Learning must continue ad infinitum. Unfortunately, this forum, "Wading Into the Stream", is not educational and will never seek to educate its readers. Those who came here for that will just have to try somewhere else. May I suggest Khan Academy.
My writing is expression of thoughts, opinions, ideas, and just-plain statements that occur to me, that I suppose you may have not verbalized for yourself. You may have come close to thinking the same thing yourself, but not quite. If you say to yourself, "I always thought that, but I've never seen it in print before," then I am on the right track. Many people have said I have a knack for stating the obvious. Wait a second. That is not a compliment, is it?
While studying English Literature at the University of Cincinnati, many years ago, I decided that pursuing teaching as a profession that English majors fell back upon when real jobs could not be found, was not a place I ever wanted to be. And I have not been able to land a full time job for seventeen months, now. Nevertheless, I'm sticking to my guns and will not pursue teaching unless faced with homelessness and starvation. Thanks for supporting me, Suzie. You are the real teacher.
_________________________________________________________________________________ March will bring my one thousandth blog view. Thank you to all of my readers. You guys are the best. But you didn't know you were exclusive. Most worthwhile bloggers celebrate their one millionth or ten millionth readers. Not me. Very few people have read this blog. I do not market this blog. I do not collect any revenue from it, at all. (And I have no income, at the moment.) Finally, I have only mentioned it to a few people. It is, more or less, a secret. No need to forward this to anyone. It is not funny, and definitely not educational.
So those of you who are reading this and those of you who have read more than one posting must really want to be here. I salute you!
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