Monday, August 6, 2007

No one knows

If a blog is written but nobody is told, is it still a blog? Blogs are written to be read, but what if nobody is told it is out there? This first step into the stream of this massive service of blogs (Thank you, Blogger.) is cold on my feet because so many words are flowing along this river of electrons. I don't mean to sound isolated or self-absorbed, but just writing this and then pushing the "Publish Post" button accomplishes both descriptions simultaneously. Thanks for stopping and reading just this little spittle of text. I'll give a little more thought next time. Oh, by the way, follow the leaders who want to bring the troops home safely but quickly. Seek alternative fuels for your life (hint: corn is not one of them.) Let's get our government into the business of putting for-profit health insurance companies, out of business. (Are those enough opinions for now?)

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