Sunday, January 22, 2017

    Greetings visitors to  If you clicked on "Read My Blog" send me a short email to let me know.  This is my first advertisement of any kind.  I am testing for its ability to promote. They send me emails, but I really can't tell if anyone sees the page.  If only a couple of people send emails, I'll keep it.  Most people will visit the page and not say anything.  If a couple of people send email responses, then I'll know a dozen visited.
It is fairly evident that I have little confidence in my writing, and even less in my promotional pursuits.  Blogging is self publishing.  Blogging is often under-edited and unsolicited.  Mine is the latter and somewhat edited.  I edit as I write.  There is one or two read throughs and then I hit the "Publish".  There is no discussion.  Maybe that is what I am lacking.  If there was discussion or pre-publishing reading, then may I would have something.  But I have found no one interested in what I have to say.

Today's post is a test and half hearted one at that.  Send me an email, or a comment to the blog.  I'll keep writing either way.