There is much to do in this world. There are people in need. Our lives can be made to work smoother. There is much to do in this country, state, city, and neighborhood. There are many people willing to do some of the work that needs to be done. But much of the work has no funding. In the case of large projects, like building bridges, fixing infrastructure, building housing for the homeless, there is not even funding for planning the projects. Some people then assume there is no need to plan and execute these projects. But this is not true. Many things need to be done to improve our society and help the unfortunate, even if the money to do them has not been publicly or privately earmarked. Our leaders cannot think of everything, and have not. As good as most of us have it, this is not "the best of all possible worlds." We have to help them.
It is my position that there are many worthwhile projects that should be planned and funded simply because there are people who are in need of worthwhile work and are unable to find it. There are people who lack experience and vocational training because there are too few ongoing projects where they might get it. To take this thought a step further, I would hazard a guess that the tax paying public, tax weary though they might be, would rather they get more for their tax dollars, let's say in the realm of unemployment payments and welfare, than nothing. What if they could put people to work for the good of the neighborhood, city, state, or nation? I think the tax payers would go for that.
This is my idea. Plan more projects. Plan to train more people in all types of work. Plan to spend some money. There is money. Don't tell me there is not. Money is imaginary anyway. I say, "Imagine the money. Imagine and plan the projects." Okay, I know it's not that simple, but more imagination is definitely needed. Imagine helping people to live better; all of us. Imagine putting people to work who want to work.
Nay sayers could say, "Government is too big, now. I want government to be smaller and more accountable." I disagree, but not out loud. Instead, my answer to them is, "Do it privately." That will not fly either. Nobody wants to spend their profits, dividends, or inheritance on something that will improve the society the live in. They would rather complain about the government, too many taxes, or ignore everything that needs to be done to make this a better world. This is not socialism or communism. This is the flawed, entropic world we live in, and a lot more needs to be done that will not necessarily make a profit. I have not even brought our children and grandchildren into the picture. But our society and our lives could be improved if we used our imaginations and took a chance or two.
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