Saturday, March 31, 2012

Humans More Linked than Separate

Note to all folks, It is time for people to dwell on our commonalities and de-emphasize differences. What do we all love? Babies, good food, feeling clean, warmth, and safety.

How can we feed all people and not use food supply as a political weapon? Let us work to bring potable water to and take sewage away from all humans. How many billion people lack sufficient shelter? How do we eliminate the pursuit of money in the haves and bring the fruits of civilized infrastructure to everyone who seeks it? There is work for all in bringing healthcare to those lacking it in the world.

A great deal of suffering can be reduced or eliminated if we pull together as a species instead concentrating on our differences. Let us no longer find ways to divide cultures. Let us no longer encourage fear and poverty. Only the desperate and exploiters could disagree with this. The desperate need to be calmed and supplied. The exploiters need to be stopped.

These are general ideas. Let us begin to fill in the details, one item at a time. Let us take baby steps forward to a united humanity. We need each other. We all have birth and death in common.