A question that begs to be asked every time I hear "W" talk about spreading democracy is, "Why don't people just adopt a democratic system of electing governments on their own?" One answer is that military action is much more expedient. Think Pakistan. Think Turkey. Think Israel. Another way to answer that question is with another question. What societal element is required in order to change an entire government, peacefully, by only holding legitimate elections? The only answer to that question is that the controlling majority of the population must live their lives with the attitude that obeying legal statutes is a real part of their every-day lives. People must be willing to obey the laws that their legislators have agreed upon.
These are not folks who will organize militias when things aren't going their way. Maybe a work stoppage here or protest march there, but only the fringe will take up violence. People who believe in the rule of law will call their congressmen or member of parliment, but they won't start blowing up police cars or shooting at folks in the next neighbor. It isn't civilized. Think about this the next time you watch the network news.